Books by Georges Hébert

Hébert Method

Georges Hébert published his first works in 1907. But it was from 1912 that Hébert called his method “Natural Method”. In 1936, he synthesized his work and more than 30 years of observations and experiences with tens of thousands of men, women and children of all ages, and recast in a single volume, the doctrinal principles of the Natural Method and the means of implementing it.

All the books offered here are the latest editions of works by Georges Hébert. Although some works have been translated into fourteen languages, only works in French are available here. These are new, not used items. However, depending on the dates of edition or re-edition, they show traces due to the wear of time and storage.

Some books that have suffered greater damage (cover and edges more stained, and/or partially crumbled, etc. but text still perfectly intact) are also offered at a reduced price.

All works are the property of the heirs. The latter wished to donate to the “Georges Hébert Foundation” all the proceeds from the sale of the books they owned. The “Georges Hébert Foundation” is an endowment fund responsible for raising funds that it allocates for actions allowing the work to be disseminated. You can have the books sent to you or collect them at the headquarters of the association, 13320 Bouc bel air

You will be able to order the books in three distinct ways:

By using the form below, to download, then print, and fill in your order elements by hand and a check, payable to “Hébert” and return to us,
by post to:

Association Georges Hébert
8 allée des Bartavelles

To materialize your order
Download the form :
Formulaire achats Livre HEBERT

In the absence of a printer,
send us (at the address above) your order on plain paper, indicating the desired book(s), calculate the amount, not forgetting the costs sending (see the form), and enclosing your check made out to “Hébert”.

Finally, you can send us a request directly via the contact form (at the bottom of the home page), indicating the desired book(s), calculating the amount, not forgetting the shipping costs (see the form) and by making a transfer:  IBAN : FR93 2004 1010 1231 1088 4L03 339

In addition, all books, including those not available for sale, as well as the hundred or so “physical education” reviews from 1922 to 1958 can be consulted at the association’s headquarters by appointment.