Our trainings

Hébert Method

Training in hebertisme

The general objective targeted by Georges Hébert was (and is all the more relevant today) to give men, women and children, who are increasingly disoriented by the consequences of an artificial life:


Hébertism is therefore a complete system of education allowing:

  • To acquire an integral physical development and capacities in all the fundamental domains,
  • To develop the energy and mental qualities of action,
  • To cultivate an ethical spirit and turned towards altruism.

Training is offered in France to become a Level 1 Instructor.
As an indication, you will find access to the website of the Belgian Hebertism Federation (Sport’nat) which offers various training courses.
Instructor training in France
Trainings in Belgium


Who is the instructor training for?

  • Educators and sports coaches,
  • children entertainers,
  • sports teachers,
  • Volunteer supervisors.

And more generally to all those who are interested in the education of young and old.

What are the prerequisites?

  • PSC1 or other first aid diploma,
    Medical fitness to perform and teach physical activity

What are the objectives of level 1 training?

  • Know the fundamentals of the method,
  • Appropriate Hébertist pedagogy,
  • Design and lead sessions
  • Develop your repository of natural movements.

How to obtain the level 1 certificate?

  • Follow the training week in its entirety,
    Validate the assessment MCQ
    Create, facilitate and self-evaluate at least 10 sessions within 6 months.

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