Category: Livres HÉBERT

Livre Georges HÉBERT Méthode naturelle Vuibert education physique sport

The Natural Method – TOME 1

The Natural Method ESSENTIAL BASIC BOOK Presentation of doctrine, pedagogy and application Technique or improvement in the execution of movements Robustness or cultivation of organic resistance Control of results and measurement of skills Organization of land and physical facilities 7th edition of 1974, enlarged by Régis Hébert (son of Georges Hébert) 719 pages including 165…
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Physical education by the natural method – WALK RUN JUMP

Technology: branches of physical activity, regions, segments and orientation of the body motility in general, joint motility, impulsive motility The technique of WALKING exercises The technique of RUNNING exercises The technique of the JUMP exercises 3rd edition of 1949, 643 pages including 154 technical drawing pages – Format 21 x 13.5 cm   The books…
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Physical education the Natural Method – QUADRUPEDIA

This book, which is part of the collection of technical books, is unfortunately out of print. It can be consulted at the headquarters of the association. You can also try to find it used on the internet…

Physical education by the natural climbing method

Technical description of the exercises of “CLIMPER” 2nd edition of 1947, 243 pages including 76 pages of technical drawing Size 21 x 13.5 The books are new: they have, however, suffered more or less the ravages of time since 1947: – book with very little damage: 38 € – work that has suffered greater damage…
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Physical Education by the Natural Method – EQUILIBRISME

Technique of BALANCE family exercises. 2nd edition of 1958 – 283 pages including 84 plates of technical drawings – Format 21 x 13.5 cm 38 €

Physical education by the natural method – LEVER

Technique of the exercises of the “LEVER” family of exercises Edition of 1947, 324 pages including 91 technical drawing boards Format 21 x 13.5 €38.00

Physical education by the natural method – LAUNCH

Technical description of the “THROW” exercises Edition of 1950, 479 pages including 126 technical drawing boards Format 21 x 13.5 €38.00

Physical education by the natural method – DEFENSE

Technical description of Defense exercises Edition of 1955, 330 pages including 67 sheets of technical drawings Format 21 x13.5 €38.00

Physical education by the natural method – SWIMMING

Swimming Description of “SWIMMING” exercise techniques Edition of 1957, 360 pages including 78 pages of technical drawing Format 21 x 13.5 Doctrinal and documentary presentation Reasoned swimming instruction Movement techniques Swimmer’s safety Water balancing and floating Side split strokes Spike or direct split strokes Evolutions Diving The dive Swimming with complementary actions accidental submersion Group…
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Instructor’s Short Guide

Rules of work Conduct of the lesson Scheduling a lesson Directory of the main walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal, climbing, balancing, lifting, throwing and defense exercises 10th edition of 1960, 170 pages Format 18 x 11 PRICE: €12.00