Category: Vie Georges HÉBERT


1893 – 1903 : sailor’s life Born in Paris in 1875, Georges Hébert entered the Ecole Navale at the age of 18, became a naval officer and made several trips on the last sailing ships of the Navy. During his travels, the young officer noted the extraordinary resistance of the topspins who, in all weathers,…
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The birth of the Natural Method

1903 : the beginnings Hébert already has some ideas about the physical training of men. He wants a practice: Complete Natural Utility He is close to DEMENY and COUBERTIN and opposes the official method in force (method of the Joinville school which takes up the Swedish method (analytical movements, carried out on site)). He submits…
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Towards recognition

1909 : Extension to the whole Navy In view of the excellent results, the Hébert method was extended to the entire French Navy. He therefore has the opportunity to train children (from the schools of the Navy pupils) from 7 to 14 years old as well as young men from 14 to 21 years old,…
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The gratitude

1913 : The gratitude In March 1913, an International Congress of Physical Education was organized in Paris, under the aegis of the new President of the Republic, Raymond Poincaré, to compare the different methods that were flourishing at the time. The Navy presents Hébert’s “Natural Method”. Georges Hébert gives a demonstration with 350 subjects of…
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The training of men in combat

The training of men in combat 1914: At the head of a company of marine riflemen, Hébert was seriously wounded at Diksmuide*. He receives 2 bullets: One that will leave him disabled in his left arm, Another in the chest which is stopped by his officer’s notebook.       IHe will stay more than…
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The training of women and youth

1919 : At the end of the war, Hébert was 43 years old and disabled in one arm as a result of his injury. He is reformed by the army. The College of Athletes of Reims is in ruins, victim of the bombings from the beginning of the war. Several of his collaborators were killed.…
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Hébertism without Hébert

The Second World War: Hebertism without Hébert 1940: This time, it is the Palestra of Deauville which is destroyed by the fighting! As had been the “College of Athletes of Reims” in 1914, the “showcase” of Hébert is, again, condemned to closure… The Vichy government recently put in place notes the physical unpreparedness of the…
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The written work

1936 – 1957: The written work Georges Hébert published his first works in 1907. However, in the light of more than 30 years of experience, on tens of thousands of people, men and women, of all ages, and from all walks of life, he recombined them in 1936 in a single volume entitled simply: THE…
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The work today

The Natural Method, crossing fashions, remains alive where the training of “men” and usefulness are sought as a priority. The Army, the Navy, the Paris Fire Brigade, and in general the elite corps (GIGN, etc.) use the Natural Method. The obstacle course, created by Georges Hébert during the 1st World War, is used by almost…
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